Oglethorpe Children's Academy
OCA IS CLOSED 9/27 - 10/1
A child is eligible for State-Funded Pre-K if they have turned 4 years old by September 1 of the current school year. Other eligibility requirements include proof of Georgia residency, birth certificate, and specific medical records. The program operates free of charge during school days and hours. Classes are M-F from 8:00am until 2:30pm and follow the Oglethorpe County School System calendar. After School Programs, Teacher Work Day and School Holidays Camps, and Summer Camps are available to Pre-K Students at OCA's current tuition rates. Enrollment in OCA Pre-K is awarded first-come, first-served as follows: current full-time enrollees of our Pre-K3 program in order of enrollment; current part-time enrollees of our Pre-K3 program in order of enrollment; siblings of current or former enrollees of OCA; community residents on our Wait List by date of entry. OCA's State Funded Pre-K Program is in high demand and is very successful. Early enrollment in OCA is encouraged in order to ensure a spot when your child becomes age eligible.
For more information about the Georgia Pre-K Program, please visit their website here. You can also access the Family Handbook here.
We have three classrooms in the Pre-k Program. Information on each room can be found below, along with orientation videos.